Parent involvement is a key feature of our school. It provides an opportunity for social contact and enjoyment for families within the school. It also gives parents an opportunity to be involved in their child's education and gives them a voice.

Our Parents' Club is very active in fundraising in order to support a range of school programs. Some of the school programs which Parents Club support through their fundraising efforts are:

  • Mother's Day breakfast
  • Father's Day breakfast
  • Mothers and Fathers Day gifts
  • School Disco
  • School camps and sleepovers
  • Grade 6 t-shirts
  • Grade 6 graduation
  • Student awards and gifts
  • Teaching and learning resources (i.e. iPods)

Our Parents Club manages New and Second Hand Uniforms, Hot Lunches, Head Lice Checks, Scholastic Book Club and more.

Events organised by Parents Club include a welcome to new families, local festivals (Wool, Wheat and While Festival) and more. 

Our Parents Club meet regularly. All parents and encouraged and welcome to join. Meeting dates are advertised in the school newsletter and on the school website's calendar. 


Bridgewater Primary is fortunate to have a school chaplain as a part of our wellbeing team. Funding is provided through the Australian Governments National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.

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The School

The school's facilities centre on the original red brick building. Shade cloth protects the entrance via an adjoining timber wing.

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